course Change
CHANGE is a project coordinated by JRS Europe and implemented in 9 European countries – Belgium, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The goal of the project is to educate young people on the positive contributions of refugees to society and encourage them to act to make a change in their schools and local communities.
The three components of CHANGE

Critical thinking
CHANGE, through an adaptable 6–stage educational course, aims to encourage students to think critically on the subject of refugees and migration, to distinguish facts from opinions, and to recognise prejudices and stereotypes. In this way, students will be able to make their own, well-founded judgments. By giving students meaningful knowledge, experiences, encounters, and new perspectives, CHANGE seeks to form young people who are ready to face and embody their role in building a society in which everyone is welcome and has the opportunity to participate.


Doing critical research
The three components of CHANGE
Together all have a role to play in CHANGE.
CHANGE provides a platform for refugees to share their stories directly with students, enabling refugees to speak in classrooms, and to share their experience of living in Europe, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future. Through this platform, CHANGE will provide a opportunity for encounter between refugees and young people, with the goal to foster a sense of understanding and connection.
Another component of CHANGE is the Student Ambassador programme, which encourages students to get more involved and to engage in a minimum of two concrete actions, such as small-scale events, campaigns or service projects, to share what they have learned with their school or local communities. Students then communicate these experiences across social media using the hashtag #IamCHANGE.
Together – students, teachers and refugees – all have a role to play in CHANGE. Learning, teaching and sharing experiences during moments of encounter facilitate the changing of perspectives and contribute towards the creation of the society that we want to live in.

Discover our CHANGE educational course
you can teach or learn for change!
Change Partners
JRS Europe, together with eight national partners, is committed to making CHANGE
happen. The project CHANGE is coordinated by JRS Europe and partnered with
Centro Astalli (JRS Italy); Fundación Alboan (Spain); JRS Hungary; JRS Croatia; JRS
Ireland; JRS Portugal; JRS Malta and Stanislas College. Learn more about the CHANGE partner in your country
CHANGE European event
At the end of the 2022 school year, CHANGE will organise a final European event in Brussels. A small group of students from each country, accompanied by their teacher, will be invited to participate based on their level of involvement in CHANGE and the impact of their Student Ambassador actions.

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latest news

Teacher Training: How to Foster Awareness of Climate Change?
As part of the Change Environment Project, we hosted a two-day immersive and transformative Teacher Training on Climate Change and Migration. This initiative aims to explore the vital connection between

Identifying situations of exclusion and testing solutions through the theatre of the oppressed.
Last Saturday, October 7th, Edukalboan, a community of educators promoted by the Alboan Foundation that contributes to social transformation and the construction of global citizenship through education, held its 10th

Change Environment Team at the National Congress of Teachers For Future Spain (TFFS)
On September 30th, the Second National Congress of Teachers for Future Spain (TFFS) was held in Madrid. TFFS is a group of teachers who, to face the climate emergency, have
Challenge the critical thinking of your students and contribute to create CHANGE in our society.